Thursday, June 30, 2005

Julia in Japan

This was my mom's first time to Japan ever. I was soooo happy that I could afford to bring her here (I finally have a real job as an adult!). She stayed from May 18th to June 4th. She kept saying how much she needed the rest. She spent the first week just resting in my apartment. The weather was perfect, she got some reading done, she was being creative. She really loved my neighborhood and how quiet it was (not that it's not quiet in South Carolina). She really loved looking at the nature from the trains and outside of my window (Heguri is in the valley surrounded by mountains). We were invited to so many people's homes for dinner. She just loved her experience in Japan. More pictures to come...

Universal Studios Japan--Who'd a thunk that my mom would be sooo interested in going to Universal Studios. She wouldn't let it go, so I had to take her. I'm sooo glad that I took her. I mean, I have NEVER seen my mom have so much fun and laugh. I mean she was giggling and laughing her buns off. She probably lost a few pounds with all the walking and stuff. This was towards the end of her stay here.

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