I was clothless the following day, since my luggage had yet to arrive. I was told that if that happens, then the airline will pay you back up to $100 (keep your receipts!), so Diane and I went shopping at the local Island Wear shop in Kailua (the sleepy beach town Jennie lived in). I got a really cute white sun dress, some nice shoes and tons of toiletries totaling $100. After that shopping bonanza, Diane and I were hung out while I waited for Jennie to get home to take me to pick up my rental car. The rental car people forced a sweet Honda Accord with a sunroof down my throat, but after some maneuvering, I got used to it.
Early the next morning, Diane (who had just arrived 1 night earlier) woke up early, as did I at 5:30AM. We both decided that since jetlag got the best of us, we might as well make the most of it and watch the sunrise. You can see me bikini clad above, but it was the most perfect temperature I'd ever experienced. The water was warm and there was a breeze. After a few moments on the beach, Milo, the chocolate lab arrived and started playing with coconuts. Read below...
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