Jemelyn, Dara (the deputy director that had faith enough in me to get me this job) me and her friend, Beth outside of the Bulgarian Embassy in Washington, DC this Spring.
As of today, September 3rd, 2007, I am now the Training Specialist of the Public Diplomacy Training Division at the State Department's Foreign Service Institute (a mouthful, right?).
What's changed? Before that, I was the program assistant supporting the Public Affairs Officer and Information Officer courses. Now, as the Training Specialist, I'll be developing workshops on the use of Public Diplomacy and technology, coordinating regional media training overseas, coordinating the migration of all online writing courses and continuing to work on the division newsletter. I'm really excited about it because I get to work on a variety of projects and pace myself on getting the job done. I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing.
Dara, the deputy director, was really sweet and gave me a bouquet of flowers to celebrate my promotion. She has really been mentoring me over the last year and I truly appreciate her believing in my potential within the Department.