Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The 48 Hour Film Project

The 48 Hour Film Project is a film festival that comes to various cities around the world. Teams have 48 hours to produce a film from scratch to submit in a film festival in the host city. I joined a team in the 48 Hour Film Project. I wanted to join the team as a scriptwriter, however, the producer had already found a writer. Instead I joined the crew in various ways. The experience was amazing and I'm totally inspired to write more.

On the set of "The Reposed."

The producer, Marianna Lafollete, fixing the mic to actress.
All of the leaders of the films premiering at AFI theater in our group.

The Fam

I love my boys, Ty and Devin! My dad and stepmom went to Germany to pick them up for the summer. I went to South Carolina to see them the first weekend they got back. We went to Chuck E. Cheese for Devin's birthday.

Our First BBQ Together

The roommates and I decided to have our first BBQ of the year.

Lindsay's brother, Shane, at the BBQ.

Fiona and Jemelyn.

J.P. and Lindsay cooking up a storm at our first Avalon BBQ together.

Spring is Here!!!

Jemelyn, Dara, Gina and Beth going "Embassy Hopping." All of the European Union embassie opened their doors on May 12th. We went to the Bulgarian, Cypriot and Finnish embassies.

Here in the Washington, DC area, we usually have strange weather: sunshine when it's 30 degrees outside or snow in April, but you know, we deal with it. It's May and Spring weather is finally here! I'm starting to feel energized with the new weather: I'm writing more material and actually trying to submit it into contests, the pool at our apartment complex just opened and I'm busying myself with all kinds out outdoors activity (if I can just get to the gym!)

Anyways, enjoy the photos and as usual, feel free to comment.